All of our forms regarding: registration, applications, open-projects, general inquiries and more have never been easier. Simply scroll and find a form, fill out the information, submit, and leave the rest to us! The SWDH appreciates your cooperation and cannot wait to hear from you!

By checking this box, I agree to all of the following statement(s). I am not aware of any injury, illness, or other health related issues that would restrict or limit my chilld's ability to do physical activities. I agree to assume all risks and expenses due to an injury that may occur as a result of my involvement in physical sports, drills, games, etc. I agree to hold the Southwest Desertcats, Believe Sports and anyone acting on its behalf, either as a coach, coaching assistant, or administrator harmless in the event of an injury/illness to my child while participating under the supervision of the above. I adhere to comply with all current COVID19 health and safety guidelines set in place by city, state, and event coordinators for said activities.


We are always looking for talent around the city to showcase during our halftime shows! We have had cheer squads, dance teams, drumlines, magicians, and variety of other talents come and steal the show at our games. If you want to steal the show, we encourage it and want to help put the spotlight on you! Stealing the show can is great for personal experience, safe and fun self-promoting , fundraising campaigns for you or your organization, and more! For more information about how you can steal the show, fill out our quick response form below!

contact Form

Player Form

Use this if you are an a player seeking more information about taking your professional playing career to the next level.

This answer does not affect how we process or view applications. It is only a means to watch your talent sooner than later. Thank you.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
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